Best Security Module in the market for E Bikes and E Scooters

Author: Falcon Pev | Pab Pmd Escooter Ebike Shop Singapore via YouTube
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Best Security Module in the market for E Bikes and E Scooters

Most e-bikes and e-scooter come equipped with electronic locks as a last line of defence against theft. Theft is unavoidable if the intention and motivation is clear.

Most of these electronic locks are to prevent against casual theft and not premeditated theft which requires the use of specialized tools and pre-planning. In this comparison of industry standard electronic locks, we tried to be as objective as possible in scoring and all scoring is based on our experience as riders of ebikes and e-scooters for more than a decade.

Let us know if you agree or disagree, all feedback are welcome! However, as a word of caution, there is absolutely no substitute for a strong bicycle lock. An e-scooter if disabled via an electronic lock, cannot be used anymore (although it can be pushed or carried away). An ebike when electronically locked, can still be ridden away. So as a strong recommendation (take it from us veterans of many a lost bikes), get yourself a strong lock too! Check out our electronic lock review here:

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