Urban mobility: A look behind the scenes (documentary by FreeNow, featuring Voi).

Video by Voi Scooters via YouTube Source
Urban mobility: A look behind the scenes (documentary by FreeNow, featuring Voi).

The term ”shared mobility” is often used – but how does it actually work and how do we use data-driven approaches to optimize shared mobility? 📈

Recently, we participated in a German shared mobility documentary by FreeNow called “Urbane Mobilität: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen” (or in English – ”Urban mobility: A look behind the scenes”) that sheds light on just that. The documentary gives insight into how the industry operates, how a car-less lifestyle has become a strong alternative for city dwellers, and the important role that shared mobility plays in our future.

Have a peek at 21 minutes into the video for a rundown from our own Jasmin Rimmele who works with transport partnerships and public policy here at Voi, on the role of e-scooter sharing in the world of shared mobility. #VoiGermany #CitiesMadeForLiving

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