The Steps to Replace the Board of Airwheel M3 Electric Skateboard

Press Release Rocket making the scooters the fashionable toys for modern citizens, Airwheel provides many boards and pasters for riders to DIY their vehicles. Let see how to replace the board of Airwheel M3 electric hoverboard. Have interest and click the website to consult: After the formation of DIY concept, related peripheral industries begin … Read more

Lou electric skateboard

Enjoy skateboarding but getting tired of all the pushing with your feet? There’s a new electric skateboard in town, and it’s looking to change the way you move. Lou is the “lightest, fastest and most maneuverable electric skateboard with a hidden battery in the deck and motorized wheels,” claims SoFlow. It’s also, a SoFlow spokesperson … Read more

Artificial intelligence is the secret weapon of the XTND electric skateboard – Digital Trends

Digital Trends Artificial intelligence is the secret weapon of the XTND electric skateboardDigital TrendsIf mom wouldn't let you skateboard because it was too dangerous, this may be the board to assuage her fears. Meet the XTND, a new electric board featuring artificially intelligent technology that makes boarding safer (and maybe just a little lazier …

Juiced, an affordable electric longboard, is made for commuting on a … – Digital Trends

Digital Trends Juiced, an affordable electric longboard, is made for commuting on a …Digital TrendsCommuting is usually the least interesting part of someone's day. This electric longboard should change that. For people who work in the city, the commute to …Juiced: The Longboard that Could Change Urban Commuting …Benzingaall 3 news articles »