Enertion ESK8 Pro Tips – EPISODE 1, Carving and turning

Author: Enertion Skateboards via YouTube
Enertion ESK8 Pro Tips - EPISODE 1, Carving and turning

In this episode we focus on the theory of turning breaking the turn down into 5 components with explanations and demonstrations as to how this can improve your riding abilities.
The idea behind this video is to ready you for an electric skateboard so that you ride as safely as possible and enjoy yourself as much as possible. There is no wrong or right way to skate (apart from pushing mongo) so take what you like from these insights that are adapted from the CASI (Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors) textbook.

In future episodes we will cover different styles of riding and manoeuvres such as sliding, dancing, downhill posture, riding on roads, riding bowls, emergency braking and more. Keep an eye out!

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