Author: Miles Electric Skateboards via YouTube
Rider Profile: Mary-Kate
Where are you from? What are your hobbies/what do you do in your free time?
I’m from Tampa, FL and love Reading, working out, cooking & walking my dog with the Miles Board.
How did you find out about Miles?
Honestly, from Demi Bagby’s post where she’s riding on the tarmac! I saw it pretty quickly after it was posted and immediately contacted Miles because I LOVE everything about this brand/board and was so excited to potentially be a part of it!
Where do you ride?
Everywhere! I like to take it with me on the go for a fun ride anywhere. I’ve even flown with it as a carry-on.
How often do you ride?
Whenever I have the time to and it’s nice out. I try to ride as often as possible.
What do you like most about the Miles Board?
I Felt like a kid on (the best) Christmas (ever) upon receiving my board! It was pitch black out at night when I received my board by delivery but I jumped on it and rode it for miles around my neighborhood until I got the hang of it. I can never WAIT to get back on my board!
You get such an extreme adrenaline rush with the wind whipping by! It is so exciting and even more fun.
It’s the highest quality board out there, easy to learn and use, battery lasts forever before you need a recharge! I love how you can switch out any part of your board! Especially the new wraps, those are dope!
I love the versatility of the board, how you can go up high grades with high power and how fast you can get going, quickly!
Extremely sturdy wheels that don’t send you flying when you hit a rock.
What do others say about it when they see you riding?
Eboards are not as common here in Tampa so people are usually pretty surprised when they see the board and would like to know how it works and try it out for themselves! Everyone leaves impressed. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback about the hot pink branding and wheels. Stands out! SMART!
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