Boosted Boards – The 3rd Generation

Author: Boosted Boards via YouTube
Boosted Boards - The 3rd Generation

Introducing the Boosted Mini S, Boosted Mini X, Boosted Plus, and Boosted Stealth.

Boosted Mini is the stash-and-go Boosted experience riders have been waiting for, designed with ultimate portability in mind.

Boosted Plus is the updated classic electric longboard Boosted riders have come to know and love.

Boosted Stealth is our highest-performance longboard yet with a higher top speed and lightening-fast acceleration.

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The NYC Electric Skateboard Crew Season 2 Episode 17: Hello Gotway Monster 100V

Author: Tishawn Fahie via YouTube

Hello Everyone – Welcome to Episode 17. The weather is getting better which mean more rides and new members!. First we was able to demo the Inmotion V10F Electric Unicycle. Sweet wheel! Then I was able to purchase the Gotway Monster V100 Electric Unicycle. This is the Fastest Wheel Ever! Of course this video wont become my video without a nice group ride to go with it. Hope you all enjoy! Thanks!

If you are interested in purchasing a Kaly custom board go to his website –

Looking for news and features on electric skateboards and e-bikes? Check out our distribution partner LEV Revolution, here:

Looking to by an Electric Unicycle? Go here
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Until next time!

Swagtron – Revolutionized Electronic Bike and Scooter | NewsWatch Review

Author: SWAGTRON via YouTube

Consumer Update
If you’re one the millions of people worldwide that love to ride e-bikes and e-scooters, then you need to check out the latest releases by Swagtron. The convenience and engineering are revolutionizing the last mile industry.

The first is the SWAGTRON Swagger 5 Folding Electric Scooter.
This scooter is perfect for riding around the city – reaching speeds of 18 miles per hour. ride up to 3.5 hours or 11 miles on a single charge. It is lightweight, durable, and can be folded and tucked inside a trunk or in a small space in your home or office.

Next is the Cali Drift scooter.
This is designed with “fun” in mind with a state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery that lasts up to 9 miles for drifting and cruising. Feel the excitement as you lean into the curve. The tri-wheel design improves stability and maximizes safety.

And there’s the impressive EB-7 Electric Bike.
This zero-emissions and all-electric e-bike has a rechargeable battery with enough power to last up to 40 miles and all the features of a traditional bike. You are in full control of your maximum speed as pedaling can advance far past the electric speeds of 15.5 MPH. It’s lightweight and foldable, so it’s perfect for riders of all sizes and easily stows in a small space.

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