Protect you, protect your family.

A new video by Meepo Electric Skateboard via YouTube
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Protect you, protect your family.

Safety is always the first priority when riding an electric skateboard. But there are still lots of riders who ignore this problem. That’s why we made this short PSA video to remind people to wear helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and other protective gear when riding. You protect yourself and your family. Please like this video and share it, so more riders can see it and be safer. Thank you all for your support!
Meepo Electric Skateboard / Exway board EXWAY BOARD / LycaonBoard / Raldey Boards / Electric Skateboard HQ / / ESkate Hub / Eboardjkt / Dcesk8 / Alterbags / E-Skate Tour / 404creators / Scott Davies / Arnau Rectoret / Tacesk8 / Mr. Phillips The Change Agent / thesilentghostreaper / Denis Veprev / electricskateboarding

Video powered by Nobleman

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Author: Meepo Electric Skateboard